Last Friday, I turned 31.


I spent the day thanking God for blessing me with another year. Another year to smile, to laugh, to cry, to dream, and to love like never before. I'm entering this next chapter of my life with my heart set on what matters most, and aware of the strength He has given me to accomplish great things. Great things like refusing to allow fear to keep me from pressing through the weight of the last few years and write and publish my first book.

This book is so much more than words in a book; it's my heart on paper. 

Yesterday at the 5th Quarter Classic Pop-Up Brunch & Art Exhibit signing copies of Swimming In Grace.

Yesterday at the 5th Quarter Classic Pop-Up Brunch & Art Exhibit signing copies of Swimming In Grace.

Honestly, I can't believe the day finally came. I literally wanted to cry, laugh, shout it from the rooftops and hide in a corner all at once. Not because I was afraid of whether or not it would be received well. The fact that God specifically spoke to my spirit and gave me the honor to write this book has always been without contestation. However, adrenaline was running through my veins like fire the entire weekend. My first book (yes, there will be more) is making its way into the hands of women all over this country that I've been praying for since the beginning of the year. Writing has been a passion of mine since I was in the third grade, but this is the most vulnerable writing I've ever done.

One night when I was still in graduate school, I was hanging out with a a few friends and we got into a very serious conversation about the habits and vices we struggled with the most. I pulled out my poetry book while others shared stories from their past that had caused them to keep certain areas of their lives a secret, sins that were holding them in a bondage they weren't quite sure how to shake. That night, I penned my first piece about my abortion. 

I will never be able to fully describe the freedom I felt afterwards.  

At this point, I have performed that piece for hundreds of people and seen weights be lifted and hearts set free. James 5:16 reminds us of the glorious healing power of confessing our sins to those who can pray with us as we walk out this Christian life. I pray   Swimming In Grace    helps others experience the same freedom in Christ I have. The enemy has no power over us when we fully immerse ourselves in the reality of God's grace.

My prayer isn't exactly that people take my side, but moreso that hearts are healed after reading this book. I don't care if people know who I am; I simply want you to know His grace. I want everyone who lays their eyes on these pages experiences the freedom only God's grace can provide, and that they pour that energy back out into the universe. 

Seeing this book make its way across the country is one of the most gratifying feelings of my life. I've been pregnant with these words for so many years, and I've now given birth to such a huge part of my purpose. 

Whether you have had an abortion, know someone who has, currently work or have previously worked in an abortion clinic, or have simply ever felt like you were drowning in the aftermath of a series of bad decisions, I hope you will add Swimming In Grace to your reading list. 




 Ashley Danielle